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About Us

This Church is not a building but God's people. We are an Evangelical Free Church, and strive to be a place where all ages will be challenged to take hold of a real, life-changing faith.  If you visit us, you will find a contemporary worship style in a casual dress setting with an emphasis on practical Bible teaching.

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Our Vision

Win - Build - Equip - Send

We exist to build Christ-followers; to equip and send them into their world to win the lost.

"It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelist, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."

Ephesians 4:11-12

What We Do

God has called the church primarily to train Christ-followers.

Christ came not to bind us to religion but to set us free from sin and legalism, therefore growing together as a body should be fun and full of life as we learn and discover God's unique call on our lives.

Our Community

Every believer is uniquely gifted to serve and will be expected, in their own way, to serve. The Body of Christ is not for spectators, but participants. We want and encourage all believers to experience the joy of giving to God's work on earth. There is no greater joy than to hold things loosely; but to give freely of time, abilities and finances. We hold formal membership to the church loosely, but hold in highest regard the believers' accountability to the Body of Christ.

Ministry Philosophy

We believe that the Biblical purpose of the church is to build Christ-followers up in their faith, to equip them with the skills to live their lives in such a way that they are lights in their world. As lights, they are prepared then to show and declare the love of Christ to a world that needs Him.

We believe that the Spirit of God uses the Word of God to do the work in the people of God. The Bible is culturally relevant and is needed to prepare God’s people for the work of ministry. That work is for all of God’s people regardless of age or education.

We strive to put our confidence in Christ alone to accomplish His work through us and to provide the wisdom, resources, and ability to be, and to do what He asks.

We believe that Jesus called His followers to love their neighbors as themselves, therefore Christ-followers should be the most welcoming, loving and friendly people, especially while at church.

We believe that God has called us to participate in world missions, so we will build the Great Commission into the foundation of this new church by supporting cross-cultural missions.

As we believe that God asks every believer to tithe at least 10% of his income to the work of the local church, we also believe that the church should set an example by tithing a minimum of 10% of its income to missions. Therefore, from the start, Pine Grove Community Church will set aside at least 10% of its offerings towards the support of Local and World Missions.

Our Story

Pine Grove Community Church had its humble beginnings as a group of people with the common goal of planting a church in Pine Grove Pennsylvania. In May of 2012, we held our first church service outside at Circle K Camp in Rock, PA. The grass was damp and the air was quite cold that first Sunday as we gathered around the large fire that warmed up the pavilion.

Our service had a small acoustic praise team, morning announcements, hot coffee, and a lesson, but most of all we had a community of believers, the people that make our church. Unified in the vision of planting a church that plants churches and each of us being encouraged to be a light for Christ in our own spheres of influence.

As fall arrived and the temperatures dropped we temporarily moved into the Pine Grove H.H.L. Firehall. We set up each Sunday morning and again our church, the people who believe in Christ as their Savior met to praise and worship God, to grow and learn about God and to spend time as a community of believers.

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Now we are located on a property our church family renovated that was at one time a discount grocery store. While our church no longer takes place outside or in a Firehall and we now have our own building, our Church isn't the building. Our church is the people that meet together. From men's and women's Bible studies to The Circle and Kids For Jesus. Our church is made up of believers in Christ young and old all seeking to grow and learn, spurring each other on towards Christ. Join us, get connected and become part of our church family.